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LTD Information

August 7th, 2024

What Is an Employee Welfare Plan Exempt From ERISA Regulations?

When it comes to employee benefits, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) plays a crucial role in protecting workers’ interests. However, not all employee welfare plans fall under ERISA’s jurisdiction. Understanding what makes an employee welfare plan exempt from ERISA regulations is important for both employers and employees. Understanding ERISA and Employee Welfare Plans […]



LTD Information

August 1st, 2024

Long Term Disability Cover Maternity Leave in PA?

When expecting a child, many soon-to-be parents in Pennsylvania wonder about their financial options during maternity leave. One question that often arises is, “Does long-term disability insurance cover maternity leave?” The short answer is that while long-term disability (LTD) typically doesn’t cover routine maternity leave, it may provide benefits in certain pregnancy-related circumstances. Understanding Long-Term […]


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