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Long Term Disability Practice Areas Image

At Capitan Law, our knowledgeable and experienced long term disability (LTD) attorneys help people at all stages of their long term disability claims. We focus our law practice on long term disability practice areas such as :

At Capitan Law, we understand that navigating the complexities of long-term disability (LTD) claims can be daunting. Our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to helping clients secure the long term disability benefits they deserve. We offer comprehensive legal services across various LTD practice areas to address the unique needs and challenges faced by individuals seeking disability benefits. Here is an overview of our primary long term disability practice areas:

Initial long term disability claims

Filing an initial LTD claim is a critical first step in securing disability benefits. Our attorneys guide clients through the application process, ensuring all necessary documentation and medical evidence is accurately and comprehensively presented. We understand the importance of meeting deadlines and providing detailed information to support the claim. Our goal is to maximize the chances of approval on the first submission, reducing the stress and uncertainty for our clients.

Long term disability appeals

Unfortunately, many initial LTD claims are denied by insurance companies. Our experienced attorneys specialize in handling claim denials and navigating the appeals process. We conduct a thorough review of the denial letter, gather additional medical evidence, and develop a compelling argument to challenge the insurance company’s decision. Our team is adept at meeting strict deadlines and adhering to the procedural requirements necessary to successfully appeal a denial.

Long term disability lawsuits

When appeals are unsuccessful, litigation may be necessary to secure the benefits our clients deserve. Our attorneys are skilled litigators with extensive experience in LTD cases. We represent clients in federal court, presenting strong arguments and leveraging our deep understanding of disability law to achieve favorable outcomes. We handle all aspects of litigation, from filing the initial complaint to representing clients in court proceedings, ensuring their rights are protected throughout the process.

Long term disability settlements

Lump sum settlements for long-term disability claims can be challenging to accurately assess and negotiate. Therefore, it’s crucial to consult with an experienced long-term disability insurance lawyer before entering into negotiations or accepting any lump sum settlement offer. Typically, when a disabled worker agrees to a lump sum payment, they are relinquishing all rights under their disability coverage. Accepting a lump sum settlement usually means a final and irrevocable resolution of the claim, which cannot be revisited. Consequently, it is essential to thoroughly evaluate an offer before surrendering all of your rights for a potentially lesser amount of money.

Long term disability applications

Applying for long-term disability (LTD) benefits is a critical process that requires careful attention to detail and thorough documentation. The application involves providing comprehensive medical evidence, detailed work history, and a clear demonstration of how the disability impairs the ability to perform job functions. It is essential to accurately complete all required forms and meet submission deadlines to avoid delays or denials. Consulting with an experienced LTD attorney can significantly enhance the likelihood of approval, as they can help navigate the complex requirements, compile robust supporting documents, and ensure that the claim is presented in the most compelling manner possible.

Long term disability claim management

Capitan Law is pleased to offer an evaluation of your long-term disability (LTD) claim management needs before any denial or termination of benefits occurs. We proactively manage LTD claims if there are indications that the insurance company may threaten your benefit payments. While we cannot guarantee the continued payment of your LTD benefits, we collaborate closely with you and your medical providers to help prevent wrongful denials or terminations. Our long-term disability claim management services are provided on a contingent fee basis, meaning you pay nothing upfront. We do not charge hourly fees, and we only receive payment if your benefits continue.

Nationwide ERISA Disability Claims

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) is the federal law that establishes minimum standards for most voluntarily established retirement and health plans in private industry. ERISA protects employee benefit plan participants by requiring the disclosure of relevant information to beneficiaries, ensuring fiduciaries do not misuse assets, and providing remedies and access to federal courts.

Capitan Law have extensive experience handling ERISA claims and our team will do everything in our power to get you the benefits to which you’re entitled.

Contact a Long Term Liability Disability Lawyer Today

At Long Term Disability Lawyers, our mission is to provide compassionate, expert legal representation to individuals seeking long-term disability benefits. Our extensive experience across various long term disability practice areas enables us to offer tailored, effective solutions for each client’s unique situation.

Whether you are filing an initial claim, appealing a denial, or navigating complex litigation, our dedicated team is here to help you every step of the way. Contact us online today or call (267) 419-7888 to schedule a consultation. Take the first step towards securing the benefits you deserve.


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