Posted on Friday, April 1st, 2022 at 11:44 pm
Anxiety is no joke, even though it has been made the punchline of comedians and memes around the world. It isn’t always a disabling condition, although people with severe anxiety can have difficulty getting through their workday, or even getting out of the house. Anxiety disorder is characterized by symptoms like nervousness, restlessness, feelings of danger, difficulty concentrating, trouble sleeping, and stomach or intestinal upset.
In its most severe form, anxiety can lead to panic attacks, where the victim suffers from shortness of breath, sweating, rapid heartbeat, even chest pains or fainting. Anxiety may not be linked to any obvious physical or psychological trauma. It may just “come out of the blue,” for reasons even the sufferer doesn’t understand.
Some Things That May Help
There are various causes of anxiety, and numerous treatments, ranging from psychotherapy and medication to exercise and diet. The specific treatment depends on the actual cause, but some foods are known to be beneficial no matter what the cause.
It turns out that there is a connection between what you eat and how you feel. Scientists have discovered that many of the neurochemicals essential for brain health are formed in the intestines. If your diet is lacking important vitamins and minerals, your guts can’t form these chemicals, and your brain feels bad. Eating right isn’t a cure-all, but it is important to get the right foods.
Leafy greens. It’s true what your mother always said. Leafy greens like spinach, kale, chard, and collard greens are all high in magnesium, which has been shown to be beneficial in reducing mild symptoms of anxiety. They also contain vitamin C and calcium, something we’re all lacking after the past two years indoors. Swapping your hamburger at lunch for a nice salad could help you through the afternoon at work.
- Berries. Especially blueberries, but also raspberries and blackberries are good for you. These are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which are both essential for cell repair. It appears that stressed cells lead to stressed feelings. Antioxidants are believed to act as cell cleansers, moving toxins and debris out of your tissues. The sweet flavor of berries also answers your cravings for sugar.
- Dark chocolate. Yes, eating chocolate in small amounts is good for you. Dark chocolate is high in flavanol, a plant compound known to lower mental stress. It also contains minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper, and manganese, trace elements your body needs. Low levels of these minerals have been associated with increased anxiety. Doctors recommend not more than 40 grams per day of dark chocolate. These benefits are not acquired by eating candy bars, so be sure you’re eating dark or “special dark” chocolate.
- Oily fish. Doesn’t that sound appetizing? Fish high in oil contains essential levels of omega-3. Some studies have shown that omega-3 fish oil reduces inflammation in the brain, including areas that cause anxiety. Omega-3 is important for good heart health, which in turn improves blood flow to the brain. All your body parts work together, so keeping everything healthy is beneficial. Look for fish like salmon, mackerel, and albacore.
Some Things That Won’t
If you do suffer from anxiety, stay away from foods that are high in sugar and fat.
Anxiety sufferers crave them because, as you can see from the list of helpful foods, some sweet and fatty foods contain nutrients that relieve anxiety. Unfortunately, the sugar and fat you find in a nice donut don’t have those nutrients.
The research is split on the effects of marijuana in treating anxiety. For every person who swears that marijuana is the only thing that helped their anxiety disorder, there is another who said pot made it ten times worse. Self-medicating with cannabis is probably not a wise idea.
Anxiety and Long Term Disability
If you suffer from anxiety or an anxiety-related disorder, you may have difficulty working. At the same time, you may have trouble explaining to insurance companies that you are really suffering from a condition that prevents you from carrying out your daily work-related activities. If you have an anxiety diagnosis or are trying to obtain one, and having trouble proving your case to the insurance companies, don’t try to do it alone. Get help from an attorney who will be at your side through the process.
Contact Us
If you have attempted to file an insurance claim for anxiety and been turned down, you need the legal assistance of the long-term disability attorneys from Capitan Law to help you get the compensation you need. Call us at (267) 419-7888 for a free consultation about your claim today.