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Long Term Disability Attorneys for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is one of the most common pain syndromes. According to some surveys, it affects from 18-26 percent of adults at any one time. The question is, does your shoulder pain keep you from working?

The upper extremity impairment long term disability attorneys of [firm name] know that the process of claiming disability benefits can be complicated and intimidating. If you believe that your shoulder pain is keeping you out of the workforce, call us at (267) 419-7888. Our experienced long term disability attorneys will help you with your application. Or, if your initial application was denied, we’ll help you to file an appeal.

Can I Claim Benefits for a Shoulder Pain Injury?

shoulder pain Long-term disability (LTD) for shoulder pain, whether through a policy provided by your employer or your own private insurance, can be more difficult to obtain unless there is a fracture involved. The evidence needs to show that your injury impairs your ability to perform basic functions like pulling, lifting, pushing, or grasping.

Common Disabling Shoulder Problems

To claim disability benefits for shoulder pain, you must have a diagnosis that shows you have a disabling condition. Some common diagnoses include:

  • Tendinitis: This condition is the inflammation of tendons that connect muscle to bone. Acute tendinitis can be caused by one excessive activity, like throwing a ball or anything else that utilizes a quick overhead motion. Chronic tendinitis can be the result of arthritis or repetitive wear and tear. Both types of tendinitis are associated with pain in the upper arm and shoulder.
  • Bursitis: Bursitis is the inflammation of the fluid-filled pads (bursae) that act as cushions in the joints, including the shoulder joint. Excessive use of the shoulder can lead to swelling of the bursae between a part of the shoulder blade and the rotator cuff. The resulting pain can make many daily or work-related activities very difficult.
  • Tendon Tears: A splitting or tearing of the tendon may result from long-term overuse and wear and tear or a sudden injury. These tears can completely or partially separate the tendon from the bone.
  • Arthritis: Arthritis is joint inflammation. It comes in many types. Osteoarthritis is the kind of joint inflammation associated with work injuries or chronic wear and tear. In order to avoid arthritis pain, some people restrict the movement of their shoulder, which makes the condition worse. This restriction can lead to a tightening or stiffening of your joint’s soft tissues, resulting in an even more painful restriction of motion.
  • Shoulder Dislocation: This very painful condition occurs when your arm bone disconnects from the scapula. A doctor or someone trained in sports injuries can usually snap the bone back into place. But, if it happens too many times, surgery may be required.
  • Frozen Shoulder: Also known as adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder causes stiffness and immobility of the shoulder joint. Generally, this condition requires surgery.
  • Fracture: A fracture is a broken bone. In the shoulders, this might involve your collarbone, upper arm bone, or shoulder blade.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Shoulder Pain

If you feel you are entitled to LTD benefits for shoulder pain, it is very important to get diagnosed and treated by a physician. Medical evidence that can only be provided by your doctor must be compiled and submitted with your application for benefits.

Shoulder problems can be diagnosed in three stages.

  • Your doctor will take down your medical history and your past shoulder problems.
  • To determine your physical limitations and pain levels, your doctor will perform an examination.
  • Your doctor will order tests to confirm the source of your shoulder problems. These tests might include MRIs, ultrasounds, or x-rays.

Treatments for your shoulder problem might include ice, rest, pain medications, medications to control swelling, and the use of a cast or sling to restrict movement. After an initial rest and healing period, a doctor might recommend physical therapy or even surgery if your shoulder has not improved.

Not Being Able to Return to Work

Many jobs have physical requirements that might be impossible to accomplish if you have shoulder pain or movement limitations. Activities like pushing, pulling, lifting, or carrying might be out of the question. A desk job can be just as physically demanding as manual labor. Things like typing, lifting a phone, reaching overhead, or pressing buttons might cause pain to someone with a shoulder injury.

Pain itself could inhibit your ability to concentrate on tasks, thus harming your overall productivity. Sometimes your LTD provider will acknowledge the limitations pain might inflict on someone and consider awarding them disability. For this determination, however, they will require proof that you are in pain.

Proving Your Shoulder Pain Exists

Usually, a “medical sign” or “laboratory finding” is required if the pain is to be a factor in your impairment and inability to work. For example, if you are diagnosed with a frozen shoulder, an MRI or other test that supports this claim might be required.

doctor with patientThe truth is, the SSA or your LTD carrier will want to look at your entire medical record. They will want to see proof of the intensity, persistence, and limiting effects of your pain. They will want to see a consistency that relates the truth of your condition in an organized way. Compiled reports from you, your doctor, caregivers, friends, and your employers must all tell an honest story of your inability to work due to pain.

It is in your best interests to have a long term disability lawyer on your side during this complicated and frustrating process.

How We Can Help You

At [firm name], we understand the stress and emotional toll that pain can take on a person. Seeking the benefits you deserve becomes an even more daunting task when you are suffering physically while also dealing with the stress of lost employment and mounting bills.

As our previous satisfied clients can attest, we love what we do at [firm name]. Our biggest source of pride is that we help people get the money they need when they might feel hopeless or alone. We have the experience it takes to know how the system works and how to give your claim the best chance of success.

Contact Us

Call the long term disability attorneys of Capitan Law today at [phone number], and we can discuss your options. You can also contact us online, whichever you prefer.


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