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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Long Term Disability Attorney

If you are out of work due to carpal tunnel syndrome and are pursuing benefits under your long term disability policy, a long term disability lawyer could help. Living with carpal tunnel syndrome can be challenging, agonizing, and exhausting. This is especially true if you are unable to work because of this condition.

Call us today at (267) 419-7888 to discuss your situation with an upper extremity impairment long term disability attorney from Capitan Law. You can also submit a contact form, and we will be in touch as soon as possible. We can help you navigate your long term disability claim as you pursue the benefits you’ve paid for.

woman with CTS

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition that affects nerve function in the wrist and hand. The median nerve extends from the palm of the hand into the forearm. The carpal tunnel is a small channel made out of bones and ligaments. The median nerve runs through this channel.

When the carpal tunnel narrows, the median nerve at the wrist is squeezed. This can lead to pain, tingling, and numbness in both the hand and wrist. Frequently, the issue is not directly with the median nerve itself. CTS can affect both hands or only one hand. If both hands are affected, the severity of CTS may be different in each hand.

CTS can have a variety of causes, and in many cases, a single specific cause may not be identified. It is often due to a combination of contributing factors. CTS usually occurs in adults ages 40 to 60 and typically not in children. CTS affects an estimated one to five percent of adults in the United States. Certain conditions can present a higher level of risk for CTS. These may include diabetes and other metabolic disorders that affect the nerves. Men are three times less likely to develop CTS than women. While CTS is not limited to any certain group of people or industries, there are patterns that have been observed. Assembly-line-type work that involves repetitive motions may be more correlated to CTS than data-entry positions. If you have pressing questions about your case, don’t hesitate to reach out today.


The onset of CTS is typically gradual and frequently begins with tingling or numbness in the fingers. The thumb, index finger, and middle finger are often the first fingers where this occurs. These symptoms may initially arise during the night. A person may even be woken up during the night by these symptoms. Typically, a person’s dominant hand is affected before the other hand. The dominant hand is also the hand that usually has the greater severity of symptoms.

As CTS progresses, these symptoms may be present during the day as well. They may be more prevalent during certain activities that involve holding an object for a prolonged period of time. These may include driving a car, reading a book, or holding a phone. In addition to tingling and numbness, symptoms such as pain and a burning sensation may also develop.

There may also occasionally be a shock-like feeling in the first four fingers of the hand. The pinky finger is usually not affected. People who suffer from CTS may also experience weakness or clumsiness in the hand. Fine motor movements may be affected, giving the person trouble with issues like buttoning a shirt, holding utensils, or writing with a pen. Handwriting may even become less legible because of this. Contact us today.

Diagnosis and Treatment

It’s important that CTS is diagnosed and treated early. Otherwise, the median nerve may suffer permanent damage. To diagnose CTS, a doctor will perform an examination that may include a variety of tests, such as:

  • Physical examination of the wrists, hands, arms, and shoulders
  • X-rays to rule out other conditions, such as arthritis and fractures
  • Blood work to rule out diseases, such as diabetes, that can damage nerves
  • Ultrasound imaging to determine if the median nerve is abnormally large
  • The Tinel test, which checks the median nerve for shock or tingling sensation
  • The Phalen test, which checks wrist flexion for tingling or numbness

Treatment for CTS may be surgical or non-surgical. Surgery is typically performed on a ligament around the wrist in order to reduce pressure on the median nerve. This is often an outpatient procedure that does not involve an overnight hospital visit. Non-surgical treatment may include prescription medication, over-the-counter medicine, wearing a splint, avoiding certain activities that increase symptoms, and yoga.

Do I Need a Disability Attorney?

In order to receive long-term disability benefits, you must prove that CTS prevents you from being able to perform work for a specified period of time. Check your policy to discover the insurance company’s definition of disability.

If your work includes frequent fine motor movements, you may not be able to perform your essential job functions due to your CTS. This may include positions that involve activities like data entry with a keyboard, holding surgical instruments, or performing massage therapy.

You may also qualify for disability if your employer would have to make unreasonable accommodations for you. This may include expensive modifications to workplace equipment or taking frequent breaks that prevent you from effectively performing your job. Your doctor will need to assess which functions you are unable to perform. You may be able to receive disability benefits for up to two years, depending on the terms of your insurance policy, if you are unable to work in your existing occupation. After this time, you may also be able to receive benefits if you are unable to work in any occupation.

Proving that you have a disability and receiving the benefits you’re owed from your insurance policy is a complicated process. This is where a long term disability attorney can be helpful. An experienced lawyer will be able to assist you in pursuing the LTD benefits you need. Reach out to us today.

CTS victim with wrist brace

Why Choose Capitan Law?

Our attorneys focus only on long and short term disability claims. This gives us a depth of experience that we bring to each client. We know how to stand up to the big insurance companies on your behalf and get results. Each client, situation, insurance company, and claim is different. This means that we will create a customized approach specifically for you. We exist to help disabled individuals get the compensation that they are owed. The satisfaction of our prior clients is our greatest source of pride. There are no costs to you upfront, and we don’t charge any fees unless we recover compensation for you.

Call Us Today

If you need long term disability benefits because carpal tunnel syndrome keeps you from working, we can help. We understand that this can be a painful and frustrating time. Figuring out how to navigate your long term disability claim should not be added to your stress.

We work with clients across the United States. Let us guide you through this situation so you can focus on living your life. Contact Capitan Law today at (267) 419-7888 for your free legal consultation. Our long term disability attorneys are ready to discuss your options with you.

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